Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sorry for the absence

I am very sorry for my absence on this blog. It has been a very difficult few months between all my health issues and trying to get IVF done before it's too late. If you'd like to see what we've been going through you can read all about it on my IVF Journey blog.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Peach Patch Quilt-along May 2013 block

Ok I am fully caught up on the blocks for this quilt-along. I really like this block too!

Here is my block and the tutorial on how to make it: Peach Patch Quilt-along May 2013 Block.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Back at it after some time off

Since February, it's been few and far between that I've gotten any quilting/sewing done. Between family, friends, work and doctors visits I've been too busy to break out the sewing machine. With that said, I finally did break it out today. I caught up on 2 blocks that I'm missing from the quilt-along I'm participating in. I know, I still need to do the block for May but I'll get it. I am hoping tomorrow.

Here is the Peach Patch Quilt-along March 2013 block tutorial.

Here is the Peach Patch Quilt-along June 2013 block tutorial.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quilts for Boston!

Someone's blog that I follow, Maureen Cracknell Handmade, shared this great way to help those in the Boston community that have been directly affected by the marathon bombing and subsequent events.

Quilts for Boston

The Boston Modern Quilt Guild is asking all quilters to make a block, or more, and send them in so that they can be made into quilts. Blocks must be in these colors: blue, yellow, gray and white. They must be 12.5 inches in height and whatever width you'd like.

They've asked everyone to post pictures of their blocks in their Flickr group: quiltsforboston

When your blocks are complete, mail them to:
Quilts for Boston
P. O. Box 79225
Belmont, MA 02479

Below is a picture of the block I've already completed for this cause. I decided to make it extra special and make it a 3D block. The yellow half circle pieces and be moved left, right or straight up and down. It's my first 3D quilting attempt and I absolutely love how it turned out.

Peach Patch QAL - April blocks

I had today off due to health issues so I decided to get some blocks done. At first, I thought there was only one for the month but there are actually two. I finished them both. I still need to trim them but I'll wait to do that when I put them all together. 

Pictures and links to the tutorials are below. 

Let me know what you think! :) 
I particularly like the April 15th block. It turned out really pretty.

April 1st block:

April 15th block: 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Other than quilting

Lately I've been branching out trying to do other things with fabric. I found a super cute DIY Bow Clutch tutorial that I loved and then for Easter I saw these cute little Bunny Treat Bags.

Being new to anything but quilting, I came across the discovery that zippers and draw string holes can be tricky.

My wonderful mother in law solved my draw string issue. You'd think it was a no brainer but I didn't think of it. I was trying to feed the ribbon through the hole with a needle and thread as I thought I had nothing else that would work. She told me to try a safety pin. VOILA! IT worked beautifully.

I'm still having trouble with zippers but I'm getting better at them.

Anyway, here are the links to both of those tutorials:

DIY: Bow Clutch

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Peach Patch Quiltalong - February 14, 2012 block

Here is the second block for the month of February in the Peach Patch Quiltalong.

The tutorial can be found here: Sharp Quilts

Monday, February 18, 2013

Peach Patch Quiltalong - February 1, 2012 block

This month they posted two blocks. I'll work on the second one and get it up soon.  But for now, here is the first block for February 2012 in the Peach Patch QAL. 

You can find the instructions here: Knotted Thread

Tell me what you think. I actually really like how this one turned out! :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Peach Patch Quiltalong - January 2012 block

Here is the January block for the Peach Patch Quiltalong.

The instructions can be found here: Little Lady Patch Work

I'm not sure how I feel about this block. Any thoughts?